Author Archive

Average Diesel Price Falls 4.3¢ to $2.437 a Gallon

The nationwide average price of diesel fuel continued its fall this past week, declining 4.3 cents per gallon, the U.S. Energy Information Administration reported April 27. The EIA said the price of diesel now stands at $2.437 a gallon, 73.2 cents a gallon less than a year ago.

Heartland shippers feel 20-foot box squeeze

For many American agricultural product and machinery exporters, the standard 20-foot ocean container is the right size for their shipments. However, depending on where the cargo is located in the U.S., this equipment is becoming increasingly difficult to come by. “There is a simple reason our members who ship both refrigerated and dry cargoes from […]

FMCSA Expands COVID-19 Waiver to Accommodate CDL Skills Tests

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has expanded its COVID-19 emergency declaration to allow examiners to conduct commercial driver license skills tests without being physically in the truck, using such technologies as in-cab cameras, online testing and cellphones.

Rail Industry positioned for resilience despite coronavirus toll

North American rail volumes have fallen both week-over-week and year-over-year in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. The fall comes as nonessential businesses close up shop and consumers become less inclined to spend money in light of a likely recession. Still, North American railroad leaders believe that the industry is resilient and have reported ongoing demand for […]

HMM deploying world’s largest container ship

Imagine the Empire State Building laid on its side. The newly christened HMM Algeciras is more than 60 feet longer than the New York City landmark is tall. A walk around the world’s largest container ship would be about half a mile. A naming ceremony was held Thursday for the HMM Algeciras, which has a […]

Struggling US importers granted 90-day duty deferment

Under authority of the White House, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will allow U.S. importers of certain goods to defer their payments of duties, taxes and fees for the next 90 days, starting April 20. The temporary duty deferment was included in an executive order signed by President Trump on Friday, April 17, to help American businesses […]

Coronavirus in the Caribbean: Container volumes plunge

A monster economic hurricane has suddenly stalled indefinitely over each of the Caribbean islands simultaneously. Coronavirus deaths remain relatively low here — it’s not yet a pandemic hotspot — but financial fallout is potentially catastrophic due to the region’s reliance on tourism. “Coronavirus has had a huge effect on the Caribbean. It’s not immune. It’s getting rocked, […]

US ports offer temporary storage ahead of anticipated May surge

Although terminal operators at US ports acknowledge operations are fluid now, an expected spike in imports beginning mid-May has prompted them to begin offering on-terminal storage space for laden import containers carrying non-essential merchandise.