Author Archive

US import plunge inevitable as canceled sailings mount

Container lines provide a window into the future of U.S. landside cargo flows, not in the sense of reading tea leaves or palms, but in the sense of inevitability, like death and taxes. Container-line schedules foretell that U.S. seaborne imports will fall sharply. That, in turn, will translate into lower trucking and rail volumes to the extent […]

Special Freight Railcars Could Travel at High Speeds, Federal Researchers Show

For at least the past decade, America’s railroads have been toying with the notion of freight trains moving at speeds approaching some passenger bullet trains. Now, a new Federal Railroad Administration demonstration study has concluded that specially designed “higher speed freight truck” railcars could be designed for travel on some existing tracks carrying 70 tons […]

Norfolk Southern sheds hundreds of locomotives

Norfolk Southern (NYSE: NSC) has shed approximately 300 locomotives and intends to put up  another 400 for sale, the Eastern U.S. railroad said in a Thursday filing to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Fuel Cell Experts Argue for Cleaner Commercial Trucks

The trucking industry needs to continue adopting electric technologies such as fuel cells in order to combat pollution, experts said April 14. A webinar hosted by the California Hydrogen Business Council, along with ACT News, emphasized that the trucking sector needs to be more green and highlighted efforts already taken by companies and the government. […]

Oil Price Turns Negative in Historic First; Diesel’s Decline Continues

The price of oil dropped to its lowest level in history April 20, sinking into negative pricing as oil supplies are beginning to overwhelm the globe’s storage capacity. During trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange, West Texas Intermediate crude for May delivery fell more than 100% to settle at negative $37.63 per barrel, meaning […]

Don’t leave home without COVID-19 plan, sick trucker urges

Canadian truck driver Nicole Folz began suspecting she had COVID-19 as she prepared to make her final less-than-truckload delivery in South Carolina last week, some 14 hours from home in Ontario. The sore throat and dry cough she noticed after she crossed into the U.S. had gotten worse. A thermometer she purchased confirmed she had […]

Struggling US importers granted 90-day duty deferment

Under authority of the White House, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will allow U.S. importers of certain goods to defer their payments of duties, taxes and fees for the next 90 days, starting April 20. The temporary duty deferment was included in an executive order signed by President Trump on Friday, April 17, to help American businesses […]

Stormy week may slow down freight flows across the South

The South won’t catch much of a break from potential severe weather this week. After deadly tornadoes on Easter Sunday, followed by additional tornadoes yesterday, severe storms may strike from Texas and Oklahoma to Georgia over the next few days. Shippers and carriers should expect at least minor delays in freight movement as drivers will […]