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More emergency FEMA flights arrive in US with coronavirus supplies

The federal airlift of emergency medical supplies continued Thursday with at least two all-cargo planes making deliveries. An all-cargo plane full of disposable medical gloves touched down in the morning at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport, said Todd Crabtree, the Chicago-area general manager at STG Logistics. Atlas Air operated the flight.

Activity at US Ports Plummets as Coronavirus Slows World Economy

Activity at ports tracked by the Global Port Tracker fell in February to the lowest level in five years. Imports accounted for 1.51 million 20-foot-equivalent unit containers in February, the latest data available. That was down 6.8% from the same time last year, and sequentially down 17% from January of this year.

Intermodal volumes see cumulative decline in February, reports IANA

February intermodal volumes continued an ongoing run of declines, which were accentuated by the ongoing coronavirus, or COVID-19, pandemic, according to data provided to LM by the Intermodal Association of North America (IANA). Total shipments for the month—at 1,330,803—were off 5.4% annually. Domestic containers—at 608,833—were up 5.8% decline, while trailers—at 83,155—slumped 22.6%.  All domestic equipment—at 691,988—was off 1/3%. […]

AAR: “The Impact of Coronavirus on Railroads Is Growing”

“The impact of the novel coronavirus on railroads is growing,” said AAR Senior Vice President John T. Gray. “Since 1988, when our data began, total U.S. rail carloads were lower than they were last week only during a few Christmas and New Year’s weeks, when rail operations are seasonally low.”

Commentary: Steel rivers of grain continue to flow

What is the importance of grain? Any food made from wheat, rice, oats, corn or barley is a grain product. Breads, pasta, breakfast cereals, grits and tortillas are examples of grain products. And there are hundreds more… The combination of a global virus pandemic and an illogical energy price war will impact grain movements. In […]

COVID-19 & trucking update: OOIDA asks for testing; layoffs pile up

As the country enters what Trump administration and several governors are calling both a tragic week of loss and a possible apex of deaths and new cases in some parts of the nation, reports are mounting of growing tension and turmoil down on the front lines of the supply chain.