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Trucking on the Front Line in Fight Against COVID-19

As an increasingly aware United States mobilizes to contain the spread the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19, the trucking industry is uniquely positioned to help in the containment effort-or further accelerate the spread of the pandemic.

Amazon Prioritizes Getting Shipments Related to COVID-19 into Fulfillment Centers

A day after announcing it is hiring 100,000 more people, Amazon told sellers and vendors in the United States and European Union on March 17 that it is “temporarily prioritizing products coming into its fulfillment centers” to focus on household staples and medical supplies in high demand due to the coronavirus/COVID-19 epidemic.

Truck Stops Step Up to Serve Drivers During COVID-19 Outbreak

As the realities of the COVID-19 virus outbreak hit home in the United States, and federal, state and local governments scramble to contain its spread by limiting large gatherings and encouraging “social distancing”, that has implications for truck drivers’ life on the road.

What Oil War Could Mean for Trucking

Most Americans closed out the first week in March fretting about the onset of COVID19 – the illness caused by the new version of coronavirus that merged in China late last year – and the resulting stock market crash it triggered as multiple U.S. states reported cases of the virus.

FMCSA Issues Expanded HOS Emergency Declaration

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration on March 18 issued an expanded national emergency declaration to provide hours-of-service regulatory relief to commercial vehicle drivers transporting emergency supplies in response to the coronavirus outbreak.