Coronavirus in the Caribbean: Container volumes plunge

A monster economic hurricane has suddenly stalled indefinitely over each of the Caribbean islands simultaneously. Coronavirus deaths remain relatively low here — it’s not yet a pandemic hotspot — but financial fallout is potentially catastrophic due to the region’s reliance on tourism. “Coronavirus has had a huge effect on the Caribbean. It’s not immune. It’s getting rocked, […]

US ports offer temporary storage ahead of anticipated May surge

Although terminal operators at US ports acknowledge operations are fluid now, an expected spike in imports beginning mid-May has prompted them to begin offering on-terminal storage space for laden import containers carrying non-essential merchandise.

US import plunge inevitable as canceled sailings mount

Container lines provide a window into the future of U.S. landside cargo flows, not in the sense of reading tea leaves or palms, but in the sense of inevitability, like death and taxes. Container-line schedules foretell that U.S. seaborne imports will fall sharply. That, in turn, will translate into lower trucking and rail volumes to the extent […]

Struggling US importers granted 90-day duty deferment

Under authority of the White House, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will allow U.S. importers of certain goods to defer their payments of duties, taxes and fees for the next 90 days, starting April 20. The temporary duty deferment was included in an executive order signed by President Trump on Friday, April 17, to help American businesses […]

US ports offer temporary storage ahead of anticipated May surge

Although terminal operators at US ports acknowledge operations are fluid now, an expected spike in imports beginning mid-May has prompted them to begin offering on-terminal storage space for laden import containers carrying non-essential merchandise. The move, which is unprecedented in that terminal operators always encourage shorter container dwell times at their facilities, is being taken […]

Airlines begin pulling passenger seats to make room for cargo

With a global shortage of air cargo space and extraordinary demand to move emergency medical supplies, some overseas passenger airlines are taking out the seats on aircraft to make more room for freight. And U.S. airlines are asking the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for permission to fly cargo in the main deck where passengers normally […]

More emergency FEMA flights arrive in US with coronavirus supplies

The federal airlift of emergency medical supplies continued Thursday with at least two all-cargo planes making deliveries. An all-cargo plane full of disposable medical gloves touched down in the morning at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport, said Todd Crabtree, the Chicago-area general manager at STG Logistics. Atlas Air operated the flight.

Activity at US Ports Plummets as Coronavirus Slows World Economy

Activity at ports tracked by the Global Port Tracker fell in February to the lowest level in five years. Imports accounted for 1.51 million 20-foot-equivalent unit containers in February, the latest data available. That was down 6.8% from the same time last year, and sequentially down 17% from January of this year.