US trucking’s uncharted ELD rollout stings shippers

Shippers may blame the electronic logging device mandate (ELD) for supply chain problems, but the ELD mandate has supply chain issues of its own. The biggest regulatory change for trucking in decades hit a few road bumps after its Dec. 18 rollout. Some of those bumps were expected, but the mandate has had unexpected consequences […]

Freight Rates Soar for Small-Business Truckers in January

As shippers and brokers deal with a shortage of trucks to carry freight, small-business truckers are poised to make more than they have in years. It’s a big turnaround from recent years, when there wasn’t enough freight demand to fill up all the nation’s trucks and drivers struggled to get attractive rates.

A Shortage of Trucks Is Forcing Companies to Cut Shipments or Pay Up

A nationwide truck shortage is forcing thousands of shippers into a tough choice: postpone all but the most important deliveries, or pay dearly to jump to the front of the line. (This article requires a subscription to the Wall Street Journal. To subscribe, please click on the above link.)

Shippers told to brace for record US trucking rates

US freight rates are set to rise not just this year, but into the near future, an investment analyst and economist said at the SMC3 2018 JumpStart Conference. “We could break records this year” in an economic cycle “unlike any other,” said Benjamin Hartford, senior research analyst at investment firm Robert W. Baird & Co. […]

Freight Volume in 2017 Hits Highest Level in Four Years

Signals of a strong U.S. economy are showing up in freight demand. Last year, freight volume increased 3.7 percent, the largest annual gain since 2013, when the index was up 6.1 percent. These freight figures are a positive sign for 2018, especially combined with other factors such as increased U.S. manufacturing and solid retail sales, […]

Heavy-Duty Truck Orders Surge in 2017, Strong 2018 Forecast

The heavy-duty truck business roared back last year as an improving economy and growth in manufacturing spurred freight demand. Sales of trucks in the heaviest Class 8 weight segment surged 59 percent to 296,440 vehicles in 2017, according to ACT Research.

FTR: Trailer orders up in part due to ELD mandate

Research firm FTR Transportation Intelligence said that preliminary net trailer order numbers fir the U.S. reached an all-time high of 47,000 units in December, which is 10% above November’s numbers and up 38% year-over-year. When finalized, December’s orders are expected to exceed the previous high of 45,800 reached in October 2014, with total trailer orders […]

2018 Rate Outlook: Economic Expansion, Pushing

Trade and transport analysts see rates rising across all modes in accordance with continued expansion of domestic and international markets. Economists, meanwhile, say shippers can expect revenue growth in transport verticals to remain in the 3%-plus range.

Highlighting the impact of the ELD mandate so far on trucking

Delivery times are being rescheduled, capacity is tightening, and confusion is growing. In its latest blog, DAT Solutions reached out to truck drivers, motor carriers, shippers and freight brokers to find out how their businesses are being affected by the electronic logging device (ELD) mandate.

Four more ELD exemptions sought

Four more trucking groups and fleets are asking the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration for five-year exemptions from the electronic logging device mandate that took effect last month. They include: Trash hauling and recycling fleet American Disposal Services (ADS) Oilfield service fleet Cudd Energy Services (CES) Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA) Association of Energy Service Companies […]