Future of House bill delaying ELD mandate not bright

More than 21 members of the U.S. House have signed on as co-sponsors to a bill that would delay the compliance date of the looming electronic logging device mandate. The bill, if enacted, would give drivers and carriers two extra years to adopt ELDs by pushing the compliance deadline to December 2019.

ATA Report Sees Growth in Freight, Trucking Through 2026

A new report released Monday by the American Trucking Associations (ATA) projects freight volumes will increase by nearly 29 percent over the next 11 years. Forecast, a collaboration between ATA and IHS Global Insight, projects a 28.6 percent increase in freight tonnage and an increase in freight revenues of 74.5 percent to $1.52 trillion in […]

Value of U.S.-NAFTA Freight Rises for 7th Straight Month

A rise in the value of cross-border trucking freight between the U.S. and the other two North American Free Trade Agreement partner counties helped push total value of commodities higher for the seventh straight month in May, according to a new Transportation Department report.

Demand tightens US truck capacity ahead of ELDs

Trucking capacity is not waiting for the electronic logging mandate this December to contract: it is tightening now. US freight demand surged in the second quarter and caught up with truck supply, consuming capacity and pushing up rates on the truckload spot market. The likely result is tighter margins for freight brokers and, eventually, higher […]

ATA forecast report points to continued future freight growth

Continued growth appears to be the main thesis looking out over the next decade for the freight transportation market, according to the American Trucking Associations (ATA) ATA Freight Transportation Forecast 2017, which was released today. Data for this report comes from both the ATA and IHS Global Insight.

Freight forecast: Trucking tops $1 trillion by 2024

What’s the economic future for trucking in America look like? The American Trucking Associations issued its 2017-2018 Freight Transportation Forecast earlier this week, and suggests there’ll be continued growth driven by manufacturing, consumer spending and international trade for the next 12 years.

Truckload Linehaul Rates Firm Up, Intermodal Rate Momentum Slows

Truckload linehaul rates appear to be stabilizing while intermodal rates continue moving higher but at a slower pace, according to two new reports. The Cass Truckload Linehaul Index increased 1.5% in June compared to the same time a year ago, hitting a level of 123. This marks the third straight month of year-over-year gains following […]

Self-Driving Trucks Could Be on Highways in 3 to 4 Years

Heavy-duty trucks that don’t need a driver behind the wheel could be on the road in as little as three years. That’s the assessment of industry experts speaking at the Automated Vehicles Symposium in San Francisco on Wednesday, where they laid out a tentative road map for how self-driving trucks will begin to integrate with […]

Walmart Suppliers Will Be Fined for Both Early and Late Deliveries

Asking suppliers to be “On-Time and In-Full” is a cost saving method that Wal-Mart will begin implementing in August, as reported by Matthew Boyle of Bloomberg News. The program, known as OTIF, aims to add $1 billion in revenue while solving a problem the company has faced with overcrowded back rooms. The company has been […]