Rising US spot truck rates to bolster contract pricing

Those looking for signs of rising US freight demand should look to the truckload spot market. As the first quarter enters its second month, “the volume of freight is significantly higher in the spot marketplace, year-over-year,” said DAT Solutions. (This article requires registration at the Journal of Commerce. To access, please click on the above […]

U.S. Commercial Vehicle Market Saw Small Decline Last Year

Based on the latest analysis by business information provider IHS Markit, new registrations of Class 8 commercial vehicles in the U.S. declined 19.7 percent through November 2016 . The decline among Class 8 vehicles contributed significantly to an overall drop of 3.5 percent for the full commercial vehicle market, despite all other GVW categories achieving […]

US shippers to shift to rail from rising truck rates

Modal lines that hardened as US economic growth slowed dramatically in 2015 and 2016 and truckload rates plummeted appear to be softening. As the economy improves, businesses expect truckload rates to rise, and those companies are looking for alternative routes to savings. (This article requires registration at the Journal of Commerce. To access, please click […]

US shippers paying more for truckload freight

Some of the largest US truckload carriers saw contract rates with shippers begin to rise in the fourth quarter, following the path marked by spot market rates starting in late spring. They expect rates to move higher in 2017, but in measured steps, not leaps and bounds. (This article requires registration at the Journal of […]

Transports Put Up Strong Week Led By LTL And Container Shipping Line Companies

• Transports are now up 3.1 percent; whereas the SPY is up 2.4 percent. • President Trump and U.S.-Mexico issues continue to garner headlines. • Mexico indices and select individual companies performed strongly during the week. • Slower GDP growth for the fourth quarter isn’t such a bad thing; but getting the federal budget passed […]

US truckers expect Trump-fueled rate bump

Trucking and logistics executives are optimistic, if not quite bullish, about the outlook for freight demand and pricing in 2017 and 2018. Encouraged by President Donald Trump’s plans for infrastructure spending and regulatory reform, as well as signs of an improving industrial economy, they are preparing for increases in shipments and tonnage later this year. […]

5 Threats to Capacity in 2017

Overall, 2016 was a year of relatively loose capacity. Don’t count on the same for 2017. A number of looming factors could put a squeeze on capacity in the coming year. Here are five…