Trucking Helps U.S.-NAFTA Freight Value Post 12th Straight Monthly Gain

The value of freight moved between the U.S. and its North American Free Trade Agreement partners posted its 12th consecutive year-over-year increase in October, according to newly released Transportation Department figures. The 7.9% increase from October 2016 put the value at $100.6 billion as all five major transportation modes carried more freight by value with […]

Enforcing ELDs: A new way of life for trucking

The electronic logging device (ELD) mandate is here, and there are still a lot of unknowns that go along with it. The industry is still waiting to see how the mandate will really impact capacity, rates, productivity, and, of course, the growing truck driver shortage.

US shippers’ surface transport concern is capacity, not price

Capacity, not price, is king once again, at least temporarily, as shippers sweat to find and secure space for their freight on highways and rails in 2018. Beyond normal seasonal fluctuations, there is little sign elevated freight demand will subside soon. As a result, expect calls for collaboration throughout the supply chain, but especially between […]

Fleet Owner’s Top 10 stories of 2017

Without question, the dominant theme within the trucking community during 2017 was electronic logging devices (ELD). The ELD mandate – now in effect – has been a controversial, even contentious, topic throughout the industry for several years. And if you’re concerned about the changes and challenges that lie ahead, you’re not alone. According to our […]

FMCSA will grant 90-day ELD waiver for short-term rental trucks

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is planning to grant a request from the Truck Renting and Leasing Association (TRALA) for a 90-day waiver from the electronic logging device (ELD) mandate for “short term” rental trucks, defined as being rented out for a period of 30 days or less.

$1.1m record ‘fine’ after lithium battery air cargo blaze

Aviation regulators in the USA have imposed a record fine of US$1.1 million after lithium ion batteries burst into flames and destroyed a FedEx truck – shortly after being carried on an aircraft – it is claimed. The alleged fire-blazing violation of hazardous air cargo rules came despite prior warnings issued to the shipper by […]

UPS, DHL, and Other Shippers Warn of Holiday Shipping Delays

It’s typically around this time each holiday season that panic sets in for some buyers about whether gifts they have ordered will be delivered on time. Websites have started warning customers of the last day they should order to ensure their packages arrive before Christmas. But the surge in holiday shopping is slowing down the […]

Amid tight labor market, US truckers struggle to add drivers

The driver shortage in the long-haul trucking industry is likely to get worse before it gets better, as low unemployment and higher-paying alternatives to truck driving form a barrier to recruitment. As a result, shippers are likely to face renewed pressure not just to contribute more to truck driver pay, but to improve the working […]