House turns up heat on COOL reform

The U.S. House late Wednesday passed legislation that repeals country of origin labeling (COOL) requirements for beef, pork and chicken.

Big Data Brings Relief to Allergy Medicine Supply Chains

Allergy sufferers in the U.S. have had a particularly rough time this spring, with April and May pollen levels in New York frequently surging 25% or more above the monthly average for the last three years, according to data from IMS Health Inc. (This article requires a subscription with The Wall Street Journal.  To access, […]

Truck traffic rises at top US border crossings

The number of tractor-trailers that passed through the top five U.S. border crossings rose 2.4 percent in the first quarter, compared with a 4.1 percent increase a year ago, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics. (This article requires registration at the Journal of Commerce.  To access, please click on the above […]