Cargo Thefts Drop but Average Loss Rises

A new report reveals the number of reported cargo thefts in the U.S. fell during the second quarter of the year compared to the same period in 2015, but the average value of the heists increased, according to the cargo theft prevention and recovery service CargoNet.

Total trucking revenue rises, but so does pressure on carriers

The largest U.S. trucking companies saw revenue decline last year, but not the trucking industry as a whole. Total U.S. trucking revenue topped $700 million for the second straight year in 2015, rising 3.7 percent to $726.4 billion, the American Trucking Associations said Thursday. (This article requires registration at the Journal of Commerce. To access, […]

Shippers, railroads clash over switching proposal

U.S. federal rail regulators have proposed a new rule that would allow shippers without access to other transportation modes to request their freight be moved to a competing rail line. It’s a controversial proposition, one that shippers say will save millions and help them navigate the nation’s intermodal network, but railroads argue it will cost […]

Oil prices extend gains, but traders warn of weakness ahead

Oil rose further on Monday after a report of renewed calls by some OPEC members to restrain output, but analysts warned the bearish fundamentals that brought prices to four-month lows last week still lurked. The rise extended gains from a technical rally last week and came on the back of nascent optimism over an informal […]

Trucks Move Bigger Slice of NAFTA Freight, Overall Value Keeps Falling

A new Transportation Department report shows trucks carried more U.S. freight by value with its North American Free Trade Agreement partners, Canada and Mexico, in May compared to the year before. But declines in all other freight modes led to a 3.1% decrease in the dollar value of cross-border freight, totaling $89 billion.

Truck tonnage drops, forecast to remain “choppy”

For-hire truck tonnage in the U.S. continued its see-saw course in June, dropping 1.5 percent from May after increasing a revised 2.9 percent that month, the American Trucking Associations said Tuesday. That indicates U.S. freight markets had difficulty finding traction at the end of the second quarter despite low unemployment, comparatively low fuel prices and […]

Diesel Fuel Prices Continue to Drop

The average price of diesel fuel fell again last week, continuing a steady decline in prices that began over a month ago, according to the latest numbers from the Energy Department.